This site was compiled on behalf of the Association of Vision Science Librarians. The Internet is in a state of constant change. While all care has been taken to verify the existence of each of these on the date of compilation and during updating of the list, some of these sites may have moved or ceased to exist.
The presence of a site on this list does not imply endorsement by AVSL nor any affiliate. See the end of this list for additional information about this page and information about contacting us.
American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. A resource for Pediatric Ophthalmologists, Strabismologists, related personnel and patients.
Information for patients about cataracts, cataract survery, and lens implants.
see AUPO Faculty Positions below
WGBH Guidelines for Electronic Materials The WGBH National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM), a division of public broadcaster and access technology pioneer WGBH Boston, announces publication of “Accessible Digital Media: Design Guidelines for Electronic Publications, Multimedia and the Web.” These guidelines, providing step-by-step solutions for making a variety of electronic media accessible to users with sensory disabilities, are now available free of charge online.
A free resource for people to learn about the range and diversity of the jobs that are performed throughout the United States and Canada by adults who are blind or visually impaired.
News, meetings,web links, and directory search of optometrists.
Website for professional optometrists in Alberta, Canada. It includes eyecare information.
A care center of the Cullen Eye Institute
A consumer guide to eyes, eye care and vision correction.
All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS) is the largest Associations of Eye Surgeons in India with around 10,000 Active Members. Conference abstracts, CME, Full text journal articles from the IJO, membership directory, newsletter and more. (may be slow to load).
This site serves the professional needs of the Academy’s members.
About membership services, the Annual Meeting, News, additional links.
A sitededicated to optical news and media. This source gathers articles from many resources.
Tutorials and pages upon pages of Information for, by or about Optometrists and Optometry.
Has consumer links and a professional membership page.
Provides an educational forum for the discussion of problems and treatments related to ophthalmology in children. Includes pdf files of published policy statements.
American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. A resource for Pediatric Ophthalmologists, Strabismologists, related personnel and patients.
American Association of Certified Orthoptics, Meetings, Membership, Continuting Education Opportunities, training programs, and more.
A national consumer organization of, by, and for deaf-blind Americans and their supporters
A professional association of medical doctors who practice, teach and or engage in research in ophthalmic pathology.
History of the Board, Mission and intent, Examination Statistics, Applications, Requirements, Dates and Deadlines, Requirements for Recertification. Links to the American Board of Medical Specialties.
ACVO is the association that establishes criteria for certifying veterinary ophthalmologists. Site contains profiles of diplomates, areas for professionals and for the public, a calendar of events, news items and related links.
A non-profit organization of blind and visually impaired.
Information about the organization, its services and publications. Includes the AFB Directory of Services for Blind and Visually Impaired Persons in the United States and Canada. Locate organizations in the United States and Canada that provide services to people who are blind or visually impaired and their families. The Services Center is based on the AFB Directory of Services for Blind and Visually Impaired Persons in the United States and Canada. You can use the Services Center to find a service provider by name, state, country, or service category.
Promotes excellence in the care of patients with glaucoma and preserves or enhances vision by supporting glaucoma specialists and scientists through the advancement of education and research. Has physician and patient resource centers.
Information about Nystagmus, links to a discussion group, ANN conferences.
Promotes excellence in patient care, education and research, to address essential issues in medicine, and to advance the art and science of ophthalmology. Transactions of the AOS are available online.
About the AOA. Common eye conditions and diseases, children’s vision, contact lens information, sports & vision, eyecare tips, an educations center (for kids, for teachers and for people considering optometry as a career). Recent press releases
Current Table of contents, search journal abstracts, Selected full text articles, “What is Orthoptics?”, Article Archives.
Profesional site for Osteopathic ophthalmologists. Includes directory of members and FAQ for patients.
APH is the world’s largest company devoted solely to creating products and services for people who are visually impaired. Their publications, assistive devices, and materials are available through catalogs and online.
Members have access to images. Surgeon search service. Has meeting and government relations sections.
Membership directory, Information about ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery: eyelid, orbit, eye, lacrimal, cosmetic surgery, oculoplastics, prosthesis, trauma, blepharoplasty, blepharospasm, thyroid eye disease, laser, facial surgery, fractures, congenital deformities, fellowship information.
The American Society of Ocularists is an international, non-profit, professional and educational organization founded in 1957 by technicians specializing in the fabricating and fitting of custom-made ocular prosthetics (artificial eyes).
The ASOA is a membership organization focusing on the business of ophthalmology. They publish Administrative Eye Care and offer Certification of Ophthalmic Executives. They offer online courses in administration.
Information about the society, its meetings and publications (including Retina Times). ASRS Community (for members). Disease Information (Information about Age-Related Macular Degeneration). Physicians search service.
Resource for individuals with an interest in inflammatory eye diseases, including patients, families, researchers, ophthalmologists and other healthcare providers.
University of Kansas Medical Center Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology.
Maintained by Ted M. Montgomery, OD, this site includes descriptions, functions, and problems of the major structures of the human eye: conjunctiva, cornea, iris, lens, macula, retina, optic nerve, vitreous, and extraocular muscles. A glossary is included. There also is a test for color deficiency and two short quizzes.
Archive: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Evidence Report Number 16, Anesthesia Management During Cataract Surgery. September 14, 2000. Abstract | Summary | Evidence Report
This website is the result of the collaboration of international educators and is maintained by Curator, David A. Fleishman M.D. “It is the place where we celebrate vision aids, especially spectacles. The Real Numbers of this website keep growing because Interesting Topics and Slideshows are added regularly.” There are “quick links” for Librarians, Historians, Museum Curators, Eye Professionals, Researchers, Art Enthusiasts, Students & Teachers, Collectors, Fashion-Minded People, and Numismatists.
(NOTE: Be patient, site is occasionally out of service) Contains information about Aravind Eye Care System, information for patients and for professionals, and more. Aravind Eye Care System is the WHO collaborating centre for prevention of blindness located in Madurai, Theni, Tirunelveli Coimbatore, and Pondicherry, India.
Archives of Ophthalmology (name changed to JAMA Ophthalmology)
Vision Loss Simulations. This site displays a video and audio presentation which includes simulated photographs of various eye conditions. From the Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Serves as a source of educational, social, and ethical exchange for the member Eye MDs of the State of Arizona. Has a member’s directory.
Promotes and advances the science and art of medical eye care. Has information for public and ophthalmologists.
Lists officers and mission statement. Has some web links.
Paul and Jenny Geelen, ocularists and founding members of the Ocularists Association of Australia provide information about artificial eyes, the loss of an eye, making artificial eyes, and a blog about artificial eyes and eye loss.
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO).
American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Site of EyeWorld news service.
From the Meronk Eyelid Plastic Surgery Site: Cosmetic Blepharoplasty for the Asian Eye a self-contained 20 page sub-section of a larger web site devoted to eyelid surgery.
Information about the organization and its publications, services and products, Information about Certification.
founded by Joshua Young, MD, from New York University’s Department of Ophthalmology. Podcasts, audio and video clips available to anyone. These podcasts include reviews of articles, interviews of expert surgeons and academic leaders in ophthalmology, and programs on surgical techniques.
Web site in French. Sections for general public and optometrists.
The Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER) is an international professional organization whose mission is to provide comprehensive support and assistance to those who work in all phases of education and rehabilitation of children and adults who are blind and visually impaired. AER was founded in 1984 as the result of a consolidation between the American Association of Workers for the Blind and the Association for Education of the Visually Handicapped.
Hosts biennial meetings. For vision scientists interested in the exchange of information about ocular pharmacology. Publishes the Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
The Association of Optometric Contact Lens Educators is committed to fostering the highest levels of education in the areas of cornea and contact lenses and supporting the faculty in these areas at each of the North American schools and colleges of optometry.
Promotes the professional and clinical independence of its members and the profession .
The Association of Regulatory Boards of Optometry (ARBO) is the federation of state, provincial, and territorial boards of optometry throughout North America. Boards of optometry serve as the licensing and regulatory arm of the optometric profession by formulating rules, or regulations, that govern and enforce the laws that grant the privilege to practice optometry, which are enacted by state legislatures.
ASCO’s website lists Accredited Schools and College of Optometry, residency sites, optometric faculty directory, FAQ about optometry and links to related sites.
Represents academic departments of ophthalmology with open positions and a newsletter.
Has a membership listing and pdf copies of newsletters.
The Association of Vision Science Librarians is an international organization composed of professional librarians, or persons acting in that capacity, whose collections and services include the literature of vision. Among current members are individuals who work within libraries that serve educational institutions, eye clinics and hospitals, and private companies with an interest in eye or vision-related products and services. The Association is a Special Interest Group of both the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry and the Medical Library Association. Site includes: Publications: Standards, Guidelines, Union List of Vision-Related Serials, Opening Day Book Collection, Core List Audio-Visual Collection, Publication Considerations in the Age of Electronic Opportunities. Includes links to a Subject Guide to Internet Resources in Vision Science, a list of Spanish Language Books, E-Books & Journals, CD-ROM Titles in Vision Science, Directories & Statistical Sources, Eye Care Statistics, and Library Catalogs.
Online multimedia database.
The ACO was originally founded in 1939 to train optometrists. Optometry training is now undertaken in tertiary institutions, however, the ACO continues to work closely with the University of Melbourne, and other Universities, in optometric education. The Australian College of Optometry promotes the visual health and well-being of the communities by leading the profession to build its knowledge base, attain and advance clinical skills and deliver the best possible optometric care.
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- B-
B-EYE: The world through the eyes of a bee (archived web site via Pandora)
Produced by Andrew Giger, a neuroscientist working on bee vision at the Australian National University. This is a fun site that allows the user to see a picture and then see it as a bee might see it.
Resource hub for Vitreoretinal information from John Andrews, MS, Biomedical Engineer.
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami School of Medicine.
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Miami School of Medicine. About the institute, conferences.
Learn about blepharospasm and research related to its treatment. Written by and for patients.
International Optometric Honor Society
Meronk Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery site by Dr. Frank Meronk, California.
A range of tools, sources, and solutions for blind and vision impaired individuals from Laser Eye Suregery Hub.
The Blind Babies Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides services and programs to families, professionals and the broader community to meet the unique needs of infant and preschool children who are blind or visually impaired. Fact sheets on CVI (also available in Japanese), ROP, retinal diseases, optic nerve hypoplasia, and albinism are available in the Goodstarts section of this web site.
From “Human Diseases and Conditions”
Indiana University School of Optometry.
A personal encounter with Age-related Macular Degeneration and choroidal neovascularization. This site is well worth a visit.
About the association. Clinical Conference announcements, continuing education sourses and scientific meetings.
Current Contents, Archive of contents, instructions for authors, subscription information.
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- C-
Serves the total visual health care needs of the people through public and professional education, membership services, and legislative advocacy. It is dedicated to the public’s direct access to an ophthalmologist’s care.
For CA professionals. Includes calendar of events.
CAO is the professional association that represents Doctors of Optometry in Canada. It is also the national federation of ten provincial associations of optometrists and represents over 3,200 members across Canada. This site is committed to providing quality information about Optometry, the national association, and vision and eye health.
The goals of this site are to provide: 1. access to and awareness of neuro-ophthalmology in Canada, 2. an educational service for practitioners of ophthalmic and neurologic health care, 3. information about neuro-ophthalmologic events and web-based resources.
Société Canadienne d’ophthalmologistes du Canada (SCOC). About the society, its programs, services and affiliations as well as a calendar of events, and information for the public.
Canadian Orthoptic Council (COC): COC English or CCO French
Conseil Canadien D’Orthoptique (CCO)
The Canadian Orthoptic Society (TCOS): TCOS English or LSCO French
La Société Canadienne D’Orthoptique (LSCO)
Current information on practice opportunities in Ophthalmology and Ophthalmology Subspecialties (and other specialties). Listings have been submitted by employers who are interested in reaching current Ophthalmology residents and fellows. Each posting includes a brief description of the opportunity, as well as contact information for all inquiries.
Also known as the The John and Marcia Carver Nonprofit Genetic Testing Laboratory at the University of Iowa.
Oregon Health Science University Ophthalmology
A tool used to assess risk factors for cataract development. Enter factors such as age, family history, ethnicity, & health history, the calculator explains the level of risk is for developing cataract. It details what cataracts are, the early signs of cataracts, treatment options, and risk factors.
Facts About Cataracts from the NEI.
A website dedicated to William H. Bates, MD. The Bates Method never gained mainstream acceptance within the field of opthalmology, but has enjoyed some popular support. The web site contains a library of books about this method, as well as some computer programs that are meant to help people to learn and apply the method.
Information written for physicians regarding CRVO. An extensive review of the condition by Dr. Sohan Singh Hayreh.
About the program, the school, and research in progress.
Children with Special Needs. Part of Optometrists Network. Information for parents regarding children’s vision and eye care.
American Academy of Ophthalmology’s list of Five things physicians and patients should question. This link is the ophthalmology subset of the more general “Choosing Wisely” initiative of the ABIM Foundation. The list of references in this resource is also very helpful.
Includes a link to the CLAO Journal with online discussion of current articles.
From the American Optometric Association (AOA). Includes Care of the patient with diabetes mellitus, amblyopia, AMD, cataract, conjunctivitis, and many more.
Information regarding clinical trials being conducted at the National Eye Institute.
An international network of individuals working to prepare, maintain and promote access to systematic reviews of interventions to treat or prevent eye diseases or visual impairment.
An extensive collection of clinical ophthalmic cases and their pathology for use by researchers and clinicians to aid in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases of the eye and visual system. The Neuro-Ophthalmology part of this collection may be found at the NOVEL site.
Abstracts, Meetings, Members, By-Laws, Gallery, Links to other sites.
The College of Optometrists is the Professional, Scientific and Examining Body for Optometry in the UK working for the public benefit.
St. Louis, Missouri. This site includes a library of articles about many vision conditions and treatments, also information about the organization and links to other sites.
An organization for Colorado ophthalmologists. Sponsors CE and advocates legislative actions.
Faculty, research, consulting, Viewpoint Newsletter, residency information. Academic Commons
COA is the organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit Opticianry training in the United States.
Computer Vision Syndrome, about lighting, monitor placement and settings, eye strain, computer glasses, and more. Includes information regarding eye strain caused by the use of tablets, e-readers, smartphones and other electronic devices.
The International Council of Ophthalmology’s Events in Ophthalmology.
Represents more than 300 ophthalmologists in the State of Connecticut – and their patients. It has programs for education and advocacy.
CLAO’s mission is to advance quality medical eye care for the public by providing comprehensive ophthalmologists and other eye care professionals with education and training in contact lenses and related eye care science.
Has a member search engine. Sponsors an annual meeting and CE courses. It is dedicated to the education, evolution, and promotion of contact lens technology.
Table of contents, searchable archives, news, subscription information.
National Eye Institute Information for Patients.
Founded as the Castroviejo Society. Information for professionals.
Find a practitioner, patient information, professional links, conference and other relevant links.
Product safety information from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
COPE is a committee of the Association of Regulatory Boards of Optometry (ARBO), which is the association that currently represents 50 US optometry boards, 4 US territories/jurisdictions, and 2 Canadian boards. Its mission is to: 1)coordinate the review and approval of continuing optometric education courses on behalf of state boards on a national basis; 2)reduce duplication of effort by state boards; 3)create a uniform method of recording continuing education courses on a national basis; 4)be the clearinghouse for information about continuing education programs and courses utilized by licensed optometrists to fulfill their continuing education requirements for license renewal; and 5) encourage program sponsors to offer high quality CE in appropriate settings with adequate administrative structure.
Cow’s Eye Dissection from the Exploratorium
The Cow’s Eye Dissection is one of the most popular demonstrations at the Exploratorium. For many years it has helped people satisfy their curiosity about what is inside an eye. The Exploratorium, housed in San Francisco’s Palace of Fine Arts, is a collage of hundred of science, art, and human perception exhibits.
The site is maintained by Bob Fisher, Lecturer in the Division of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. CV Online, intended for academic staff in the field of computer vision, provides a wealth of links to papers, bibliographies, research pages, databases, and commercial sites dealing with various topics in CV. Subjects include databases and indexing, geometry and mathematics, motion tracking and time series analysis, and visual learning, among others. Entries include links to research pages, topical summaries, or tutorials submitted to CV Online by experts; links to electronic mailing list archives; and various other online resources.
Provides an annotated library of standard data sets relevant to color and vision research. The focus of the site is primarily scientific and technical, but some introductory background information is also provided.
A not-for-profit telemedicine initiative founded by Orbis International to mitigate the shortage of skilled eye health professionals in developing countries. Contains clinical Information, free online courses in ophthalmology, many classic full text books & manuals, an online community, quizzes, lectures, surgical videos, and more.
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- D-
Dakota Lions Eye Bank
Maintained by James Gallagher who is himself, Deafblind. The goal of the site is to offer some help to Blind, Deaf people, “And especially Deafblind people, and those who provide specialized services for those who are Deafblind”. Another goal is to make people more aware about Deafblindness. Learn the Deafblind Manual Alphabet and, the Two-Handed Manual Alphabet used by sighted Deaf people.
About the Eye Institute, its facilities, people and services.
German speaking Society of Intraocular Lens Implantation and Refractive Surgery.
Links to educational documents from the NEI’s National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP)
Courses, workshops, training pragrams, examples, and links to national and international organizations about standardized echography in the eye. English and German
a.k.a. the Robert Bendheim Digital Atlas of Ophthalmology, a database of images from clinical experience for the Ney York Eye and Ear Infirmary and colleagues.
Original articles, grand rounds, Review Questions (and answers), patient information sponsored by Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School.
The Digital Reference of Ophthalmology is produced by the Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute, Department of Ophthalmology of Columbia University. This educational resource contains images and text covering oculoplastics, cornea and external diseases, glaucoma, lens and cataract, vitreous and retina, neuro-ophthalmology, and paediatric and strabismus. Images may be used in lectures or teaching material provided that no changes are made to any of the images or text and no compensation is received. Further information on downloading and copyright permission is provided on the site.
Information about Doheney, the ophthalmology residentcy program, Medical Update (Items of general information on such topics as Corneal transplantation, Uveitis, and Glaucoma).
About the center, its services, and research programs.
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- E-
See section on Eye Development.
About the Center, its services, research and teaching.
An educational site for ophthalmologists and ophthalmologists-in-training. Includes links to Ophthalmology Journals, trivia, words, mnemonics, PowerPoint presentations, the Question Bank of Ophthalmology, and more.
This is not specifically eye-related, however, there are materials here of interest to ophthalmology students, residents and fellows. See the “Learning Lab” for cases on Orbital lymphoma, Facial and orbital fractures, Orbital masses, Proptosis, Imaging techniques for the orbit, Orbital cellulitis, Orbital calcifications and imaging of optic nerve head drusen, Plain films of the orbit, Neurofibromatosis, Tuberous sclerosis.
European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons
The The Alz Eye Clinic Munich (Germany) Website offers information on the most common procedures and highlights LASIK with illustrations and a video. Frequently asked questions are answered, and new procedures are described, such as customized ablation and wavefront technology. An animated QuickTour offers a summary of the Website’s highlights.
Its AIM is to promote the advance of knowledge on all aspects of diabetic retinopathy, including epidemiology, pathology, pathophysiology and treatment of this complication of diabetes mellitus.
About the organization. Also see the Foundation of the European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVERf)
The EBO is a permanent working group of the Ophthalmology Subspecialty Section of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). The Board oversees the standard of ophthalmic training. Residency Review Committee has a recommended list of books and journals.
The European Eye Bank Association (EEBA) is a technical-scientific organization comprising individual members from 83 eye banks from 22 European countries. Has a directory of members and eye bank standards. The country profiles covers Legislation and Quality Assurance matters. Related links section lists more ophthalmic associations and societies.
Societas Ophthalmologica Europæa (SOE) = the European Society of Ophthalmology
The full text of some articles regarding cataract, intraocular lenses, refractive surgery and related issues.
The International Council of Ophthalmology’s Events in Ophthalmology.
“Innovative Low Vision Solutions For People With Macular Degeneration.” Visit this site for information about the Jordy Low Vision kit.
A list of acronyms used in ophthalmology and the visual sciences compiled by ARVO (pdf)
AVSL’s Eye Care Statistics.
News and updates, Education, and how to contact the association.
Links to sites about ophthalmic tumors
EyeCare America is a public service program of the Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. The mission is to preserve sight by raising awareness about eye disease and providing access to medical eye care. Contains an online resource of pharmaceutical assistance programs and drug information about many ophthalmic drigs.
A simple guide to casualty referral. The site contains patient information and also the most common ocular problems seen in Oxford Eye Hospital and a summary regarding treatment and referrals. There is also a section on self-assessment.
Information about Dr. Martin Sussman’s “The Program for Better Vision” how to order it, information about downloading.
A list of eye health organization maintained by the National Eye Institutes.
From the National Library of Medicine, citations and links for the general public about eye injuries.
Information about the Institute and about Vision Correction Procedures, Cataract Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery, and more.
A guide to understanding eye muscle problems and amblyopia by By Burton Kushner, MD
An article by Russell S. Worrall, O.D., Jacob Nevyas, Ph.D., Stephen Barrett, M.D. appearing on the Quackwatch Web Site, a Guide to Health Fraud, Quackery, and Intelligent Decisions.
Also known as the Neurological Eye Simulator. Highly recommended for ophthalmology residents and medical students. This application provides an eye motion and pupil response simulator, animations to demonstrate neurological testing, and quizzes to test comprehension. It also provides a set of patient cases with various neurological pathologies. The eye motion simulator demonstrates the effects of disabling one or more of the 12 eyes muscles and one or more of the 6 cranial nerves that control eye motion. Requires users to install Shockwave and provides a link to it for downloading. (If the Eye Simulator link does not work, try this link instead.)
Information about nutrition and the eyes
An interactive teaching and assessment program on vision care from Jonathan D. Trobe, MD of the Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan. “The Eyes Have It” allows trainees to review symptoms, primary eye conditions, etc., and then shift to a quiz mode to test their knowledge. Available also as the EyesHaveIt app.
From the American Academy of Ophthalmology, a site with a wealth eye health information for patients.
eyeGENE™ National Ophthalmic Disease Genotyping Network.
VALID REGISTRATION REQUIRED. The National Eye Institute (NEI) works with the vision community to initiate eyeGENE – National Ophthalmic Disease Genotyping Network. The NEI is committed to facilitate access to already existing CLIA-certified research laboratories within the vision community, as well as aid in the support of establishing additional CLIA-certified laboratories. The Network will assist in developing public and professional awareness of genotype / phenotype resources that are available to people with various ocular genetic diseases, their clinicians, and scientists studying these diseases. The Network will enhance recruitment of patients interested in participating in future clinical trials related to genetic eye diseases.
A site created and hosted in the United Kingdom with information for patients regarding eye conditions and eye health.
Resources and information about Vision, Eye Care, Contacts, Eyeglasses, etc., primarily for patients.
Meronk Eyelid Plastic Surgery, an in-depth online information resource designed to educate on the subject of eyelid surgery rather than promote the services of a particular surgeon or group.
Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery for Doctors, Patients, Ophthalmologists, Cosmetic Surgeons. Plastic and reconstructive surgery of the periorbital tissues including eyelids, eyebrows, orbit, and lacrimal (tear) system. Links to Discount medical books. Site Maintained by Mark Brown, MD.
Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, an index of ophthalmology cases and photographs for teaching purposes. The cases are presented during Grand Rounds at the University of Iowa Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences.
Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE; An interactive tool and database for querying human retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) gene expression that simplifies the process of extracting useful information from large gene expression datasets. (part of NEIBank).
Living with strabismus… also known as crossed eyes, lazy eye, wall eyes, squint, tropia, double vision, turned, floating, wandering, wayward, or drifting eyes.
from the editors of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today. Created by a panel of experts, this Web site is designed to educate ophthalmologists through the archiving and sharing of high-quality video. Some of the surgical areas covered include cataract, refractive IOLs, laser vision correction, and cornea.
EyeWiki: Eye Encyclopedia is an ophthalmic wiki where ophthalmologists, other physicians, patients and the public can view an eye encyclopedia of content written by ophthalmologists covering the vast spectrum of eye disease, diagnosis and treatment. Any qualified ophthalmologist, or ophthalmologist in training, is invited to contribute content to the wiki and post it immediately .
Ophthalmic industry news from the publishers of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today, Catatact & Refractive Surgery Today Europe, Retina Today, Advanced Ocular Care, Glaucoma Today, and
A print and electronic News Journal for ophthalmology. Cover feature, newsroom, Multimedia theatre, e-mail consult, conversation pit, eye care marketplace, ophthalmology stock quotes.
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- F-
The mission of Fight for Sight is to support vision research to find the causes and cures for blindness and to help save the sight of children through support of pediatric eye centers.
Website for professional ophthalmologists in Florida.
The Foundation’s purpose is to find a cure for retinitis pigmentosa (RP), macular degeneration, Usher syndrome, and related retinal degenerative diseases.
The Fred Hollows Foundation is an Australian non-government organization which seeks to eradicate avoidable blindness in developing countries and to improve the health outcomes of Indigenous Australians.
A blog with tips, techniques, tutorials, in-depth articles, and resources for and by blind or visually impaired people, from the American Printing House for the Blind.The Fred’s Head blog contains tips, techniques, tutorials, in-depth articles, and resources for and by blind or visually impaired people
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- G-
Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft. A bilingual site for students, health care professionals and patients: Information about the DOG; Annual Meetings; Associated Societies and Interest Groups; Calendar of Events; Mailing lists (German speaking); Announcements/literature; eye Information (German). You may toggle between the English language and German language versions.
Describes the foundations programs and resources, information about Glaucoma, Patient Guide, Newsroom, sign up for Mailing lists, Newsletter.
from The New York Glaucoma Research Institute.
Program Materials from the NEI’s National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP)
FAQs about glaucoma, fact sheets and other information for patients as well as information designed for glaucoma researchers.
Common terms — symptoms, tests, treatments, surgery, diseases & conditions, anatomy — eye doctors use. ~ Excerpted from Dictionary of Eye Terminology, by Barbara Cassin
Online Video Atlas of Gonioscopy. Learn about gonioscopy through the use of videography. It covers the basic examination techniques as well as more advanced techniques such as indentation and corneal wedge. There are video examples of most glaucoma-related diseases.
Part of the Sahlgrenska Academy Department of Neuroscience and Physiology [Swedish language]
Grants and Funding (from the NEI)
Eye Lesson: A one page, interactive diagram useful as a jumping off point for understanding the basic anatomy of the eye. From The Joy of Visual Perception, York University, Toronto, Ontario.
From the University of Utah’s Webvision. Informative images.
Provides guide dogs free of charge to blind people who seek enhanced mobility and independence.
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- H-
Information on how to manage commonly encountered ocular diseases, signs and symptoms, underlying pathophysiology, recommendations on treatment, and “clinical pearls”. Eyelids & Eyelashes, Conjunctiva & Sclera, Cornea, Uvea, Vitreous & Retina, Optic Nerve & Brain. From the Review of Optometry.
Hot Topics. Also try a keyword search for “eye” or “vision” or “visual” in Healthfinder or Browse to topics.
Upcoming conference information, including courses, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors and online registration processes.
Helping Students with Visual Impairments Includes information about assistive technology, how schools accommodate visual impairments, selecting the right college, scholarships for students with visual impairments, and resources for students.
Contains a number of histological images of parts of the normal eye. Images may be enlarged for better viewing. From the University of Kansas Medical Center.
from the “How Stuff Works” Site. The section on “How your retina works” is a nice summary. Many illustrations.
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- I-
Information about ICO, admissions, student life, the curriculum, and the Illinois Eye Institute. Directories included as well.
Information about the department, information for patient carem history of the department.
A resource for eye illustrations and artwork
(formerly the International Perimetric Society) About Perimetry, the IPS, meeting information, IPS news, membership list, IPS constitution, Perimetry Standards. Includes the Imaging and Perimetry Society Proceedings, full Text Adobe Acrobat files of the IPS proceedings from 1975 to 1999 (publication of the full text ceased in 1999).
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. Official publication of All India Ophthalmological Society
Issues since 2000 availavble, most are full text. Many full text articles as far back as 1954 are available as well.
Low vision aids and products for the blind and vision impaired.
and the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Eye Institute. About the clinics and clinical services, research, residencies and fellowships, and more
Information about the program, faculty, etc.
A public health program for infants by members of the American Optometric Association in partnership with The Vision Care Institute of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care
The University College of London (UCL)’s eye research center associated with Moorfields Eye Hospital and Fight for Sight.
ICEH is a a Research and Education group based at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. ICEH conducts research into prevention and treatment of the major causes of blindness and works with other organizations involved in the prevention of blindness. The International Resource Centre disseminates information to health workers through the development and distribution of teaching and learning materials
Resources and Connections for Prevention of Blindness: Data, Publications and Organizations.
Organizations concerned eye care in developing nations, a list from the American Academy of Ophthalmology
Through SightReach, three programs are available: Prevention (cataract, trachoma, river blindness, and childhood blindness), Surgical, and Management.
This International home page of the IGA gives access to information about glaucoma in English, International English, French and German, although at the present time this is mainly in English. It will allow you to access information on ocular hypertension and developmental glaucoma.
The International Glaucoma Review Online Edition and the Searchable Glaucoma Database
Societas Internationalis Pro Diagnostica Ultrasonica in Ophthalmologia, International Ophthalmic Echography Organization
Information about meetings, courses and standards. A newsletter, membership list and related links.
Information about the organization, conferences sponsored by ISER and about its publication Experimental Eye Research.
There are some useful links on vision rehabilitation and low vision on this site as well as a newsletter and a list of pertinent event.
Information for patients, locate a doctor, meeting and marketplace. Also, member’s only services, member directory and ISRS interactive.
ISGEO promotes the science of geographic and epidemiologic ophthalmology. This encompasses the epidemiological, clinical, educational, environmental and cultural aspects of eye disease, prevention of blindness, preservation of sight and visual rehabilitation. ISGEO provides a forum for presentation and discussion of research in ophthalmology of international significance and limited support of ophthalmologic research in developing countries.
An open access journal for research in ophthalmology, from ARVO
Society website includes ophthalmologist locator for Iowa
Glaucoma in fifty bite-sized lectures that average 14 minutes in length (range 4 to 37 minutes). In total the curriculum is just under 12 hours long. It is highly visual with more than 900 images and more than 90 video clips. While written with the ophthalmology trainee in mind, the introductory lecture is great for patients.
Iowa Lions Eye Bank (ILEB)
(Web site is occasionally down, however, The ILEB has a nice Facebook page)
An extensive article on ION, particularly Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy, with diagrams and images by Dr. S. S. Hayreh and colleagues, University of Iowa. Part I is introductory and suitable for laypeople, Part 2 is written with the ophthalmologist as primary audience in mind.
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- J-
(formerly Archives of Ophthalmology). Some articles available in full text. Table of contents, instructions for authors, past issues, physician recruitment advertising, search for abstracts of journal articles in Archives. Subscription information.
Joint Comission for Accreditation of Health Personnel in Ophthalmology. What is JCAHPO? What is Ophthalmic Medical Assisting? Why Hire Certified Personnel? Certification: Why & How; JCAHPO Education & Research Foundation; CE Program Listing ; News and Events.
A site that lists jobs in various eye care careers.
The Carver Laboratory provides non-profit genetic testing for rare eye diseases. Most of the diseases that the lab studies are so rare that commercial tests would be unlikely to be viable for the long term. Genes available for screening by the Carver Lab have been extensively studied in the research laboratories of Dr. Ed Stone and Dr. Val Sheffield. By incorporating this research information into the design of the tests, the laboratory is able to offer genetic tests that provide the most clinically relevant information while keeping the tests affordable.
Department of Ophthalmology at the John Moran Eye Center located at University of Utah Health Sciences Center.
The Journal of (Clinical &) Academic Ophthalmology is an open-access, electronic, peer-reviewed publication for articles contributing to the advancement of academic ophthalmology. It serves as a national and international forum for the publication and scholarly exchange of ideas and information of interest to academic ophthalmology, including medical education, resident and fellow training, research in health education, policy, and regulation. | Older Volumes
A peer-reviewed online journal from the Spanish Council of Optometry.
Instructions for authors, table of contents and abstracts. Full text for subscribers only.
from the Veterans Administration. Browsing JRRD by topic may be particularly fruitful.
A free, electronic-only journal from ARVO.
A web book maintained by Peter K. Kaiser, York University, Toronto, Ontario.
UCLA School of Medicine’s Department of Ophthalmology. Information on patient care, clinical divisions, research, education, and faculty. Includes a directory.
Publications and services of the Foundation for the Junior Blind.
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- K-
A British company specialising in children’s vision testing equipment and related orthoptic equipment.
About the Kellogg Eye Center, patient services, and an excellent section on Eye Conditions and Diseases written for patients, this section alone make it well worth the visit.
Society website includes ophthalmologist locator for Kentucky.
Located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, KKESH is a tertiary care ophthalmic facility operated by the Ministry of Health (MOH) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The hospital provides quality tertiary ophthalmic care to the patients it serves and promotes the delivery of Kingdom-wide ophthalmic care through its outreach, educational, and research programs
Wayne State University and Detroit Medical Center. Includes physician directories and information concerning patient care and research.
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- L-
Web site of Dr. Kenneth Steinsapir, Facial and eye cosmetic plastic surgeon. Includes information about eye anatomy and eye plastic surgery procedures and a glossary.
A vision rehabilitation resource. See the Assessment Compendium and information on Adaptive Technologies.
London Laser Eye Surgery: Focus Clinics
Descriptions of many eye conditions and related support groups.
Program Materials from the NEI’s National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP)
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- M-
A forum for new research in retinal vascular and macular diseases. Sponsors an annual meeting on retinal vascular and macular diseases. For researchers.
About the disease, AMD research and the foundation.
Macular Degeneration Partnership (
Macular Degeneration Help Center. “A comprehensive online resource dedicated to age-related macular degeneration (AMD).” Reports about clinical trials and experimental treatments.
Has an optometrist search engine by city. Has association links and eye information.
Mars Perceptrix. Formerly known as the The Lighthouse Letter Contrast Sensitivity Test. This site is about the test and includes an article from IOVS regarging its use.
A “Medical Multimedia Education and Specialized Information Resource” about Eyes, Sight, Hearing, Balance, Speech, Taste, and Smell
Address and contact information.
Information about the infirmary and its service as well as links to the Digital Journal of Ophthalmology, medical journals and organizations of interest, other related clinics and information about Boston.
A non-profit organization of ophthalmologists dedicated to the public’s direct access to ophthalmic care. Contains information about projects and conferences.
See also: McGill Vision Research.
Macular Degeneration Support contains information and personal assistance for people dealing with macular degeneration and similar retinal diseases. Includes an 8 minute audio “What is Macular Degeneration?”
The National Library of Medicine provides this resource of links to a number of MEDLINE searches, NLM and other government resources, and a host of other English and Spanish resources, all arranged by category. Other MEDLINEplus resources include: MEDLINEplus: Cataract
Articles on subjects in ophthalmology from Medscape
from the Ocular Surgery News International Edition.
Merck and Company Online edition for health professionals
Online edition for patients. SEE Eye Disorders
Information about the Doctor of Optometry degree program at Ferris State University, about the clinics and services.
Information for members and for the public including Eye Health Topics, ophthalmologist diectory and continuing education.
Information for members and for the public including Eye Health Topics Archives.
Information about mobile assistive technology, devices, and apps, as collated by Verizon.
A peer-reviewed web journal: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics in Vision. Research articles with a search engine for searching the journal.
The site contains background and location information on Moorfields Eye Hospital (England). It also contains details about research and upcoming training courses.
(Requires Quick Time Plug-In). From the Perception Laboratory, Department of Psychology, University of Trieste, Italy.
Information about sponsors, speakers and upcoming conferences.
Part of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, The Museum of Vision educates people about the eye, vision and the history of ophthalmology.
The Museum of Vision’s permanent collection traces the history of ophthalmology through the years. Browse through the exhibits or use the Museum Search.
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- N-
Also see the Ames vision group research overview.
Founded in 1963, the Academy offers opticianry education and training in a variety of formats. They cover all aspects of education and training from career preparation (internationally known as the Career Progression Program), certification and licensing exam preparation and continuing education for beginning through advanced level opticians.
Has a directory of members; residence brochure; open positions in the VA; Newsletter.
Exam guide, exam schedule, application, Test Points and National Board Articles.
The library is an especially useful resource about deaf-blindness.
News items, funding availability, links to many free pamphlets and booklets for patients, people at risk, and the General Public. Topics include Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Cataract, Diabetic Retinopathy, and Glaucoma. National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP): information for patients NEHEP Información en español National Eye Institute Strategic Planning
The National Federation of the Blind is the largest membership organization of blind people in the United States. The National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute is the first research and training center in the United States for the blind led by the blind.
About keratoconus, research overview, a newsletter, and other keratoconus links, Also, information about the Foundation.
Not specifically about the eye and vision but offers entries pertinent to the eye and vision science. A public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. NGC is sponsored by the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality in partnership with the American Medical Association and the American Association of Health Plans. See also National Quality Measures Clearinghouse
a part of the U.S. Library of Congress
An organization for optometry students and optometrists who are classified as a minority.
Strategic Planning documents and statements from the NEI
The mission of the center is to enhance employment and independent living outcomes for individuals who are blind or visually impaired through research, training, education, and dissemination.
Conventional and complementary options for the treatment of common eye problems such as macular generation, glaucoma, cataracts, floaters, dry eyes, myopia, hyperopia & presbyopia and others. Includes research, nutrition, diet & lifestyle recommendations, eye exercises, vision & personality, visual hygiene.
A project from NEI for the ocular genomics community. Includes sequence and expression data for human and animal tissues and databases of eye disease genes and candidate disease regions.
These are images from NIH-funded research. You may use these images freely as long as credit is given to the source. See the NIH Photostream for other images.
Eye motion simulation, a pupillary eye simulator (with virtual flashlight), animated demonstrations of neurological eye testing with voice narrative, quizzes, and a case based interface for simulating virtual patients with eye pathologies. This simulator requires the latest Marcomedia Shockwave plug-in and the latest Quicktime Plug-in.
A site by Lars Frisén, MD, PhD, Göteborg, Sweden with information on neuro-ophthalmological symptoms and signs, and examination techniques
A web accessible collection of images, videos, lectures, and other digital media for use by neuro-ophthalmology professionals, educators, students, and patients. A collaboration of NANOS and the University of Utah Eccles Library, funded by a grant from the National Library of Medicine. see also Patient Portal: NOVEL.
Information for patients and professionals. Patient information articles run the gamut from visual hallucinations to convergence insufficiency syndrome.
About the program: clinical, academic, research; special and international programs, Calendar of events, Continuing Education. What is Optometry? Other Optometry Links.
General Information about NEEC, Medical issues, Features, education. New England Eye Center is affiliated with Tufts University School of Medicine.
Has a directory search for NJ ophthalmologists and lists websites for eye organizations.
Eyecare & eyewear information for consumers as well as providing a comprehensive on-line resource and reference library for New Jersey’s optometrists.
Information for patients and professionals regarding the NYEE
Eye cancer information, patient resources, eye cancer guide, instructional videos, lectures in ophthalmic oncology
Has a member directory to find ophthalmologists in NY. Has a What’s New page and links to insurance forms and coding.
NFB-NEWSLINE is a free service that offers 24/7 access to over 275 newspapers, magazines, and TV listings to all members of the print-disabled community. A service of The National Federation of the Blind.
The purpose of this page is to provide information about albinism and NOAH (National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation). This page is also for members of NOAH to post announcements of meetings and social events, and tell their success stories.
Professional Society information for members as well as some patient informational brochures on such topics as migraines, myasthenia gravis, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and thyoid eye disease.
RNIB page regarding nutrition and how it affects the eye.
Information about nystagmus.
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- O-
OMIG, part of the Charles T. Campbell Eye Microbiology Lab, University of Pottsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences. Contact information, OMIG meeting agenda and abstracts, and helpful links for members.
A news magazine designed for Ocular Professionals. Full test news items, information about conferences and meetings, full color discussions of current surgical techniques. Find articles from Ocular Surgery News United States, Domestic Edition and all SLACK Incorporated websites.
The Ocularists Association of Australia was founded as a way to ensure a high standard of service and care for artificial eye recipients in Australia. Includes a mission statement and code of ethics. Standards are under development. Some support groups are listed.
Low Vision Aids for Macular Degeneration and Other Visual Impairments
Descriptions of available lenses.
About the organization, membership and legislation. Also community resources, practice management, educational opportunities and related links.
About the clinics, the college, its faculty, events and news.
Oklahoma ophthalmologist directory. Has legislative information and some internet links.
Serving the Commonwealth of Virginia with offices in Abingdon, Annandale, Richmond and Roanoke
This international journal provides the opportunity for rapid peer-reviewed publication and video and audio presentations concerning basic and clinical aspects of ophthalmology and related field. It was first published in October of 1997. Includes Original papers, short communications, original case reports, and multimedia presentations. English or German language editions available.
Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston. Information about Eye Diseases, Lasik and PRK, and an online Vision Test.
Many courses and lectures for ophthalmic professionals (originally concentrated on education about echography and imaging of the eye, has since expanded considerably to include many more subjects). Also includes practical tips for Patients
A list of continuing professional development and courses listed by the International Council of Ophthalmology. Other Training and Education Programs are listed as well. Also see e-learning
A very helpful accumulation of resources from the International Council of Ophthalmology. Links, presentations, pdf documents intended to help ophthalmology educators in instructing medical students. See also ICO’s Ophthalmic Education Home Page
Sponsored by the University of Oklahoma Department of Ophthalmology at Dean A. McGee Eye Institute, this site consists of clinical and pathological slides along with accompanying text. A supporting photo atlas of ophthalmic histopathology to enhance the observers knowledge
An extensive collection of clinical ophthalmic cases and their pathology for use by researchers and clinicians to aid in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases of the eye and visual system. From the National Eye Institute
The Journal of the Ophthalmic Photographer’s Society is online. The website states “Citations are available for Volumes 1:1 (January 1978) through 19:2 (October 1997). Beginning with Volume 19:3 (December 1997), all citations are linked to PDF files containing the associated article.”
The official journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Contents, Guide to authors, subscription information, and full text articles for subscribers.
- Karger AG, Basel – Tables of Contents for recent Ophthalmic Research, Journal for Research in Experimental and Clinical Ophthalmology.
Formerly the publication, Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging.
- Karger AG, Basel, Ophthalmologica Tables of Contents.
Table of contents, instructions for authors, some full-text articles.
The online version of the news magazine.
Internet Tutorial has been developed primarily as a resource for medical students to supplement their ophthalmology teaching. Tutorials on Acute Visual Loss. Chronic Visual Loss, Red Eye, trauma, Amblyopia, Neuro-ophthalmology, and Systemic Disease and the Eye.
By Timothy Root, MD. A free ophthalmology textbook aimed at medical students and primary care physicians
Web site for Yorkshire’s only dedicated private eye hospital.
Visual Illusions Gallery from Sandlot Science. Examples of optical illusions. See also the exhibit at the Exploratorium, requires Shockwave.
Illusions created by Akiyoshi Kitaoka, Department of Psychology, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan Caution: Anomalous motion illusions images might make observers feel sick.
Visual Illusion · Optische Täuschung by Michael Bach.
OPTICAL: Optics and Topography Involving the Cornea And Lens.
The mission of OSA is to promote the generation, application and archiving of knowledge in optics and photonics and to disseminate this knowledge worldwide.
Opticians Association of America general information, membership information, optician forum, information about continuing education, web site announcements.
Has sections for professional opticians, student opticians and the consumer.
SAbout optician careers, certification training programs, Information for potential Opticianry Students looking for step by step requirements to become a part of this field.
The online full-text journal back to volume 1 issue 1.
Has eye health information and an optometric physician’s search engine.
Post a resume, find an optometry job.
Optometrists Network is a network of interconnected patient education and optometric web sites which educate the public about visual health and unique aspects of optometric care.
Optometry Examining Board of Canada is a national not-for-profit corporation. Its members are the ten provincial optometry regulators in Canada. OEBC establishes measurement of entry-to-practice competence in optometry in Canada. Its bilingual examinations are developed by the profession, for the profession.
From the University of Waterloo Library, Links to journals, newsletters & indexes.
Optical Society of America. Optics and Photonics research, applications, and industry news.
About the organization. ORBIS is a nonprofit, humanitarian organization dedicated to preserving and restoring sight in the developing world. Through innovative programs and partnerships, ORBIS produces long-term, sustainable solutions to preventable blindness that emphasize training of medical personnel, strengthening of in-country eye care institutions, and expanding delivery of quality eye care and prevention strategies in those parts of the world where the need is greatest.
On-line Movements from Integrated Orbital Implants. Information about developments in ocular implants and artificial eyes.
About the academy, educational opportunities and the way of serving three audiences: public, members and other Ophthalmologists. Includes a search engine to find ophthalmologists.
Has eye health information and an optometric physician’s search engine.
Orphanet is a database of rare diseases and orphan drugs. Its aim is to contribute to the improvement of the diagnosis, care and treatment of patients with rare diseases. Orphanet includes a rare diseases encyclopedia, which is expert-authored and peer-reviewed, and a directory of services. This directory includes information on specialised outpatient clinics, clinical laboratories, research activities and support groups. Orphanet is run by a consortium of European partners. Some of the disease pertinent to the eye include: Best Disease, AMD, X-linked Juvenile Retinoschisis, and Goldenhar syndrome.
About Orthoptics, the association and conferences offered through the Orthoptic Association of Australia.
Providing education, information, and advocacy with government agencies for its members and their ASCs. Helping ASC owners and ophthalmic surgeons utilizing ASCs provide high quality, cost-effective surgical care.
Based in the John Radcliffe Hospital. The Oxford University Hospital Eye Information Leaflets are helpful information for patients.
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- P-
Academic programs, Continuing Education, Information about the campus and faculty.
Non-profit organization whose mission is the continuing education of ophthalmologists, the prevention of blindness, and the promotion of scientific and cultural exchange among ophthalmologists in the Western Hemisphere and the world.
The most complete French speaking website dedicated to orthoptics and binocular vision.
A large database of papers published in the “Journal Français d’Orthoptique” from 1969 to the present and also in the bulletin of the “Cercle d’Etudes, de Recherches et d’Enseignements de la Strabologie”.
A directory of orthoptists practicing in France and its overseas territories.
There is also a link to the 2Yeux mailing list.
This web site has information on eye conditions and a directory of patient support and self help groups.
Includes information about the group, current studies, completed PEDIG Studies, a list of PEDIG publications, and a video describing performing Randot Preschool Stereoacuity Testing.
National voluntary health agency working to prevent blindness. The site contains Eye Facts and Fun, including Eye Health and Safety Tips, Glaucoma Information, and the Effects of Computers on Your Eyes.
Information and Goals from the World Health Organization
formerly the Low Vision Rehabilitation Network. The PPLVR Learning Community is a network for low vision rehabilitation (LVR) professionals and a supplement to the “PPLVR Online Living Textbook“.
A list of resources
Suggestions about how to reduce the risk of developing eye disease.
Web site in Spanish language. Directory search for ophthalmologist. Some eye information.
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- Q-
- R-
About the organization, links to other sites.
Refractive Surgery Web Sites The presence of a site on this list does not imply endorsement by AVSL nor any affiliate
An online guide that explains what you should know before surgery, what will happen during the surgery, and what you should expect after surgery.
from the Encyclopedia of Surgery
A directory of LASIK surgeons.
Information from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
A U.K. site with a database of reviews rearding refractive eye surgery, both laser and non-laser.
Laser Eye Surgery Information, LASIK Surgeon Credentials and LASIK Practice Locations.
Links to web sites on Refractive Surgery and FAQ’s from HON (Health on the Net).
Refraction Tutorial: Fundamentals for the Beginner and Expert By Todd Zarwell, O.D., F.A.A.O.
Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB) is the leading non-government supporter of eye research directed at the prevention, treatment or eradication of all diseases that threaten vision
Journal Contents, search the Retina Archives, Calendar of events, news and announcements, retina-related societies, retina-related resources and sites.
In-depth information about the retina and how it works. Retina Circuits, Neuroactive substances in the Retina, Facts and figures concerning the Human Retina.
Retina Australia, Inc., formerly The Retinitis Pigmentosa Society (RP Society), represents people who live with retinitis pigmentosa and other retinal dystrophies. These are degenerative diseases causing low vision and a gradual deterioration of a person’s sight. The work of RA Inc. is carried out predominantly by volunteers, many who are vision impaired and know the implications of vision loss. Retina Australia is committed to raising funds to support research into treatments and a cure for RP and all other retinal dystrophies.
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Department of Neuroscience
Lance Hahn’s Retina Reference pages. Very nicely done, also has links to other sites.
Has a directory of members. Sponsors an annual meeting.
A guide for patients from the Genetics Home Reference, the National Library of Medicine’s web site for consumer information about genetic conditions and the genes or chromosomes responsible for those conditions.
A comprehensive database with all known inherited retinal degeneration-related genes and mutations as well as informative annotations. Browse by disease, chromosome, or mutation.
Retinal Information Network. Provides tables of genes causing inherited retinal diseases (Retinitis Pigmentosa, Macular Degeneration, Usher’s Syndrome) and related information.
Search of Archives, Links, “You make the Diagnosis”, News and trends, Current Issue summaries, Calendar of events, Product Information.
A full text review journal and archive with continuing education opportunities, events, and jobs listed.
Accessible newspapers and magazines and other sources of information in a format for people with low vision.
Conjoint Libraries of the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
General Information, a history, patient information leaflets, application packs, examination schedules. An area for the public as well as one for members.
General information, a history, patient information leaflets, application packs, examination schedules.
London based Royal National Institute for the Blind. UK’s leading charity offering information, support and advice to over two million people with sight problems. Helps anyone with a sight problem – not only with braille, Talking Books and computer training, but with imaginative and practical solutions to everyday challenges. Funds pioneering research into preventing and treating eye disease.
Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Australia
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- S-
Also known as the Ophthalmology Matching Program, The SFMP runs 12 matches in several medical specialties to facilitate the application and selection process for residency and fellowship programs. This site also has listings of available vacancies for pre-residency, advances, and post-residency positions.
Public charitable Ophthalmic Hospital, India.
Association of Optometrists providing eyecare. Has an optometrist search engine and eye information
Saving Vision is a patient-information resource hosted by the American Society of Retina Specialists in collaboration with its Foundation. This site offers information for patients diagnosed with retina conditions and promotes the importance of care by a retina specialist.
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center. Penn Medicine, Ophthalmology Department. Also see: Penn Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology
The largest independent eye research institute in America. An affiliate of Harvard Medical School and located in Boston, Massachusetts.
SECO International, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, is a not-for-profit membership association for practitioners in the 12 southeastern states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. Formerly listed as Southern Council of Optometry
Formerly Surgical Eye Expeditions (SEE) International, Inc. SEE international is a non-profit humanitarian organization that provides medical, surgical and educational services by volunteer ophthalmic surgeons with the primary objective of restoring sight to disadvantaged blind individuals worldwide.
San Francisco’s Exploratorium Exhibit about Vision. Exhibits, Links to sites demonstrating visual illusions and other phenomena, see also the Exploratorium’s “Not Fade Away: one man’s journey into blindness.”
A thorough description of septo-optic dysplasia and other concerns related to this eye condition. This page is a brochure written by a group of medical specialists for patients.
Alliance for Aging Research partnered with the National Alliance for Eye and Vision Research (NAEVR) to produce The Silver Book®: Vision Loss volume. In addition to looking at vision loss generally, this volume highlights data on age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma—which along with cataract are the eye diseases that disproportionately affect older Americans. All data are linked to the original on-line source where available, and are updated on a regular basis.
Simulators of Eye Diseases and Conditions:
A book by Frank Brady about monocular vision.
An educational site for the Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation which pledges to offer information, advocacy, and support for patients and families of patients with Sjögren’s Syndrome.
International Ophthalmic Echography Organization
A society for active duty and former or retired ophthalmologists of the U. S. Army, Air Force, Navy, and Public Health Service with some helpful links.
South Carolina’s Eye MDs. The activities of this society and some internet links.
Introduction, Academic Information, Course Information, Financial Information, Academic Calendar, Map, Optometric Oath.
Information for and about the Eye Institute, the College, Students and faculty.
SPIE is a not-for-profit society that has become the largest international force for the exchange, collection and dissemination of knowledge in optics, photonics and imaging.
Stanford Vision Imaging Science and Technology is located in the Department of Psychology at Stanford University. Demos, facts and Software, links to other vision and imaging groups.
Current estimates for the most common eye diseases. – Eye care information encyclopedia
This site contains electronic books for downloading, multiple choice questions, picture diagnostic tests, ocular motility videas and much more aimed at ophthalmic trainees and junior ophthalmologists.
State University of New York (SUNY) State College of Optometry, General Information, Academic Programs.
Phototheque, Annonces, Conges, Art, Histoire, Liens.
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- T-
About the Academy, their education and the provided resources of assistance. Includes an ophthalmologist search engine.
TSBVI has materials and information about communication and learning. Go to the Instruction section, and click on MIVI to look at Experience Stories for Functionally Blind Pre-Readers and Object Books. Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired TSBVI’s newsletter SEE/HEAR has a couple of articles discussing daily living skills and routines. See Toilet training children with deaf/blindness: Issues and strategies in the Summer 2000 issue, and Make it routine in the SEE/HEAR archive.
Purpose is to advance the research, literacy & educational aspects of the scientific field of the tearfilm and ocular surface.
The American Foundation for the Blind and the American Toy Institute’s Family Connect posting on “Choosing Toys and Creating a Play Area for Your Blind or Visually Impaired Child“. Also see Also see “Ideas for Adapting Toys and Materials for Blind or Visually Impaired Preschoolers” and “Toy and Gift ideas or Blind or Visually Impaired Preschoolers“
Issues from 2001 forward available online.
A free journal from ARVO emphasizing multidisciplinary research that bridges the gap between basic research and clinical care.
Optician site. Lenses, frams, fashions for eyewear
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- U-
European Union of Medical Specialists Section of Ophthalmology (Section d’ophtalmologie de l’Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes)
A guide from includes a top-ten list for students with visual disabilities and a list of organizations that sponsor grants and scholarships for students with visual impairmaent.
A nonprofit organization that empowers communities worldwide to improve eye health and eliminate preventable blindness.
Glaucoma update, Lions Eye Care, Residency Program, Refractive surgery, Software for Ophthalmology.
Also see: University of California, Berkeley, Pamela and Kenneth Fong Optometry & Health Sciences Library
UCSD site. A photofile page and a “fun and entertainment” link.
UCSF Ophthalmology Department. About the Dept, Beckman Vision Center, That Man May See Foundation, Proctor Foundation. Visions Online, Digital Darkroom Projects, other ophthalmology sites.
Information for patients, information about educational programs at UHCO, research interests, and faculty information. See also the Weston A. Pettey Optometry Library.
Department overview, Programs and faculty, informational articles. Also see: the ophthalmology residency program, ophthalmology fellowships, and orthoptic training program at the University of Iowa.
Primarily a resource for medical students at the University of Manitoba to complement their teaching in ophthalmology. However, anyone interested in ophthalmology should be able to benefit from the site, particularly medical students, residents, and primary care providers. The highlight of the site is the Internet Tutorial, a case-based, interactive experience that tests your ophthalmology knowledge.
Melbourne Medical School, Department of Ophthalmology
Information about the laboratory, its research, and publications. Links to other sites.
About the Unit. See also Information about the Orthoptic Program and about orthoptics.
Administrative information, Research and Education, special events, ophthalmic images.
About the program. See also the Optometry Subject Guide
General information, department news, training programs.
A class handout from B. Wandell, Stanford University. Other handouts from UC Davis Instructor, Bruno A. Olshausen for the Seonsorty Processes Course include Degrees, radiansm retinal size, and sampling, and others.
Provides public information as well as updates members and other ophthalmic professionals on current news and educational opportunities. Online Directory of members.
Has a doctor locator. Has a market place and calendar of events.
A patient led charity, based in Scotland, run by volunteers who suffer from uveitis. The site includes a newsletter, factsheets, and the journal, Uveitis available as downloadable pdf files.
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- V-
Ophthalmic imaging, diabetic retinopathy screening/digital detection, pending legislation, and information about the program at Vanderbilt.
Der Verband der Spezialkliniken Deutschlands fuer Augenlaser und Refraktive Chirurgie e.V. (VSDAR) hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, umfassend ueber die operativen Methoden zur Korrektur der Fehlsichtigkeiten zu informieren und aufzuklaeren. Ausserdem unterstuetzt er seine Mitglieder bei der Qualitaetssicherung sowie der Weiterentwicklung der eingesetzten Verfahren. [German Language. The Association of German Clinics for Eye Laser and Refractive Surgery (VSDAR) attempts to educate and inform patients about the opportunities of operative vision correction. Furthermore, the association supports its members in quality assurance issues and the further development of the treatment.]
An online graphical resource including an Image Archive, a hierarchically-structured repository of anatomical and surgical images. All of the images, illustrations, photographs, animations, and multimedia resources are freely available for downloading and non-commercial use.
A website for Veterans organized and provided through The American Academy of Ophthalmology’s partnership with the Association of Veterans Affairs. Whether young or old, America’s veterans are facing more eye-related conditions, diseases and injuries than ever before. Recent veterans experience more eye trauma, and older veterans face eye conditions and diseases common with aging, as well as eye injuries sustained in battle.
Vision Impairment Family Network. Links to Australian low vision resources, newsletters from partner organisations and events that might interets families. The VI Family Network is also home to the Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register.
Dr. Lynne Noon’s ViewFinder Low Vision Resource Center is based in Sun City and Mesa, AZ. “Services & Products for People with Visual Impairment” is of particular interest.
General information, departmental information, activities, case reports
Nonprofit organization committed to heightening public awareness that eye disease and blindness can be reduced through prevention, and early detection and treatment. Online Newsletter. Some internet links.
A commercially produced site about color blindness. Contains a good bibliography of color vision resources. Includes a color blindness simulator. Vischeck is a way of showing what things look like to someone who is color blind. Try Vischeck online- either run Vischeck on your own image files or run Vischeck on a web page. You can also download programs to let you run it on your own computer.
Vision 2020: The Right to Sight is a joint program of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) with an international membership of NGOs, professional associations, eye care institutions and corporations.
The Use of Visual Information in Art.
Vision and Modeling Group of the MIT Media Laboratory studies problems in computer vision and scene modeling. Image compression, perception of human action.
RVIB, Melbourne, Australia. RVIB has been providing services, resources and support to Victorians who are blind or vision impaired so that they may lead full and independent lives. provides free information and materials to increase personal independence, options and opportunities for people who are blind or have low vision.
A database of citations of vision science related journal articles developed and maintained by the Illinois College of Optometry Library. The VisionCite database consists of over 335,000 bibliographic citations to journal articles indexed by the librarians at the Illinois College of Optometry since 1984. VisionCite covers 52 unique vision journals not indexed in PubMed. Subject areas covered include optometry, ophthalmology, vision science, contact lenses, color perception, eye disease, and other related areas. New citations are added daily with approximately 12,000 added yearly. There are no abstracts or full text in the database but the articles can be provided for a fee. It is a subscription database with login access. Contact the Library Director for a free trial. | Subscriber Login to VisionCite
VCA is the largest nonprofit trade association that represents the interests of the entire optical community. Members of VCA are those which sell optical products in North America and exhibit at International Vision Expo East, International Vision Expo West, and EyeQuest. VCA has four categories of membership. Full Membership, Associate Membership, Exhibitor Membership and Trade Media Membership.
One of the organization’s goals is to disseminate information about the detection, incidence, and treatment of diseases or conditions that either severely impair vision or cause total blindness in children. The site addresses ocular albinism and other hereditary diseases affecting the eye.
A site that includes information for patients about laser eye surgery, cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and the retina. It has a page of links to patient information in multiple languages.
formerly Surgical Eyes™, for and by people withcomplications from refractive surgery to assist others who have had unsuccessful elective refractive surgeries.
About ROP, information and links for parents, videos, and a newsletter.
The purpose of the site is to promote public awareness about vision therapy and to provide an online resource for professionals working in the specialty. Includes Links to Vision Therapy sites
Written and maintained by Lars Liden, Dept of Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University. A browsable online dictionary of over 350 terms related to human and animal vision, from Amblyopia to Zollner Illusion, and including “biological and machine vision, visual psychophysics, visual neuroscience and other related fields.” Entries offer brief descriptions with occasional graphics and hot-linked cross references to related terms. There are also appendices of specialized terms, including one on the Cortical Areas, which maps each definition to its location on an outline of a Rhesus monkey brain.
Visionet Periodical Index
The Visionet database contains bibliographic citations of journal articles, books and slides located in the Southern College of Optometry (SCO) Library. Subject areas covered include vision science, contact lenses, eye disease, optometry and ophthalmology. The files were begun in 1976 and are current, with weekly updates. No abstracts or full text articles are available online, but most may be ordered from the SCO Library. You must have an ID and Password to use the system, registration is available online.
A commercial site of a company that sells adaptive technology. Of particular Interest in this site is a helpful page dedicated to web assessibility tips and tricks for the vision imparied and the list of national and state Low Vision Resources.
Data from the World Health Organization.
A private, non-profit agency providing services to infants, toddlers and preschoolers who are visually impaired (VI) and to their families. VIPS produced the Can Do! video series and offers a glossary of early childhood VI terms on their website.
A resource for health information on “back of the eye” disease, treatment, and prevention. This site is intended for health professionals, healthcare information consumers, caregivers and allied professionals. It is a project of a biomedical engineer involved in research into back of the eye disorders and their management, and is intended as a useful resource for everyone seeking such information.
A web site about the orgainzation. VOSH fosters vision improvement by providing free professional sight examinations, diagnosis and the provision of free prescription eyeglasses to its patients. VOSH services are free and no person is ever denied access to VOSH services because of social, religious or political reasons.
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- W-
Has search engine for DC ophthalmologists. Helpful websites for the public.
Contains a large collection of articles for the general public on eye disease with photos This state organization represents 294 ophthalmologist members.
Washington University, St. Louis, Department of Ophthalmology.
Web Accessibility information, especially see WebAIM, Low Vision
A web site created by a Registered Nurse on macular degeneration. Includes information on prevention, treatment, nutrition, clinical trials and visual aids.
The Organization of the Vertebrate Retina. Via PubMed Books. see also the First Edition, University of Utah.
About the PBL project, Data on visual impairments, publications.
MRI image database of the brain.
Patient and Professional Information, Case reports (Chiefs Rounds) and CME.
Wilmer Eye Institute, the Department of Ophthalmology of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland., Perkins School for the Blind
This site is a resource for parents of blind babies and children. The site was started by parents of a baby who had Leber Congenital Amarousis (LCA). “We started as a way to share with others what we’ve learned about playing with and teaching a blind child.”
A global association of centers of excellence in ophthalmology. The global umbrella body for the regional associations of stand-alone eye hospitals, like the European Association of Eye Hospitals.
The World Council of Optometry (WCO) is an international organization dedicated to the enhancement and development of eye and vision care worldwide. Representing over 50 countries, WCO serves as a forum for member organizations to respond to public health needs and opportunities around the world.
A research institute at the University of Iowa created to accelerate the eradication of heritable human blindness through interdisciplinary research, education and clinical care.
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– X –
- Y –
Clinical services, Research and Education.
- Z-
Zoomax is a developer and manufacturer of technology for people with vision impairments located in Hangzhou, China. Of particular interest is their Low Vision Information.
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Mailing Lists and Newsletters
Search for Other and Online Newsletters at one of the following sites
- CataList The official catalog of Listserv lists.
- JISCmail A mailing list service sponsored by the JISC, for the UK Higher and Further Education communities
- GOOGLE GROUPS Google Groups is the largest Usenet newsgroup archive on the Net. If you are new to Usenet you can learn the basics about reading, posting and participating in this collection of thousands of online discussion groups.
- Sankara Nethralaya List of vision related listservs
- YAHOO GROUPS A collection of discussion groups on a wide range of topics.
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Please note: On this page, we attempt to select sites about the eye and vision. While a few exceptions have been made, we try to include vision science, eye health, and related sites only.
This web page is not intended as an advertising venue. It is not a link exchange nor a link farm. We do not list sites that are primarily commercial in nature.